What is additional usage/overage?

On your monthly invoice, you will see a line item for Additional Usage. This charge includes minutes that are in excess of your shared pool of minutes, international charges, and charges for calls from Canada and pay phones to a toll-free number.

Viewing a Summary of Your Charges

Start by logging into Control Pane/Configure based on Account.

  1. Mouse over Call Info and click View/Search Call Logs.
  2. Click Date Range to the top-left of the page and select a date range that matches that on your billing statement.
  3. Click List Calls.

The Extension Usage tab will show the total minutes used on each of your extensions. You may consider switching it to an unlimited extension for any extension with excessive usage.

Upgrading an Extension

  1. Mouse over Configure and click Manage Users & Extensions.
  2. Click Edit for the extension you want to upgrade.
  3. Click Upgrade to Unlimited Extension.

You have upgraded this extension, meaning that unlimited calls can be made to the extension from this point on. Upgrading your extension will not take care of the overages incurred before the upgrade.

*Unlimited minute extensions are subject to fair use restrictions. For more information refer to the terms of service section 1.5.

You agree to limit your use of the Service to ordinary and usual office voice communications and not to use the Service for auto-dialing, continuous or extensive call forwarding, telemarketing, fax broadcasting, fax blasting, or any type of automated or continuous use.”